Razzberry Rose

Letters to home.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Lawrence to the Rescue


When Jesus commanded us to love our neighbour
he forced us to live a great lie, or to disobey:
for we can't love anybody, neighbour or no neighbour, to order,
and faked love has rotted our marrow.

D.H. Lawrence

Sense of Truth

You must fuse mind and wit with all the senses
before you can feel truth.
And if you can't feel truth you can't have any other
satisfactory sensual experience.

D.H. Lawrence

I don't believe that anyone is stupid enough to mistake "love" that is given to avoid economic persecution, or worse, for real love, which cannot be given under duress. That means that it isn't our "love" that our tormentors value, but the pleasure they get from forcing us to pretend they're human.


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