Razzberry Rose

Letters to home.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Tom Metzger has nothing on the movie industry when it comes to inciting hate crimes!

There's a scene in the movie, "Revenge of the Nerds," where the character played by Robert Carradine, dressed as Darth Vader, has sex with a girl who thinks that he's her boyfriend, who's also wearing a Darth Vader costume. When the girl discovers that he is not who she thought he was, post coitally, of course, she is so enamored of his sexual prowess that she immediately dumps her boyfriend and becomes Carradine's girlfriend. Leave it to Hollywood to turn rape into consensual sex after the fact! I wonder how many young men who have seen that movie and others like it have forced themselves on women, and then been astonished to find themselves arrested for rape? Maybe not as many as there might have been if Hollywood wasn't also busy making movies, such as "Pretty Woman," that seduce young women into believing that being a prostitute is the perfect way to meet and marry Prince Charming. Mr. Metzger told the truth about a threat to the survival of white people, and he was fined several million dollars because someone who read his website committed a "hate crime." Of course white people who resist race mixing are accused of being "haters" and "racists," anyway, and usually find themselves the targets of economic persecution. Actually trying to prevent the takeover of our lives and homes by a hostile "culture" is termed a hate crime. Why do I think that the people making the laws in Amerika are not working for the majority who elected them?


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