Razzberry Rose

Letters to home.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Honesty is the best policy

The most insidiously evil effect of the Lie is felt when we are fighting the monsters' telepathic weapons on the non-material plane, and can give no sign of our life-and-death struggle in the physical world. We are expected to act "normally" while having the life choked out of us! Remember the scene in "Star Wars" where Darth Vader chokes an erring subordinate without laying a finger on him? There are people in this world who can do that, or are learning to do that! The next time that your legs twitch while you're sleeping or trying to sleep, or you suffer an episode of sleep apnea (the thing where you stop breathing and it wakes you up), you might want to ask yourself who is trying to gain control of your motor responses. Scary, huh? Is there someone we can nuke to stop this nightmare? Neutron bombs don't leave any residual radiation.


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