Razzberry Rose

Letters to home.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

How many "second chances" are we supposed to give these psychos?

"Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill."
(from "Romeo and Juliet," by Wm. Shakespeare)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You can "shake your booty" all you want, but don't tell me that I have to.

To paraphrase a quote from P.D. James in her book, "The Lighthouse:" "Society attacks freedom of choice by renaming it discrimination."

Grand Theft Auto

From "Coldheart Canyon," by Clive Barker:
"Quamquam in fundis inferiorum sumus, oculos angelorum tenebimus."
"Though we are in the bowels of Hell, we shall have the eyes of angels."

Time to give them back to the angels you stole them from, Los Angeles!

Osiris Interrupted

The female consciousness has been systematically maimed, according to plan, to prevent us from identifying and empowering the males, also maimed by the System, whose actions, if the males are totally conscious, would likely turn the world around and away from the brink of annihilation. By "awarding" fully conscious females to males who serve the System (toadies, brown nosers, etc.), which is government-sanctioned rape, the System ensures that the male-female bond, which when formed, consensually, by fully conscious men and women is probably breathtaking, cannot occur. Forced race mixing is also being used by the System to prevent genuine and natural male-female bonding, which is almost always possible only between people of the same race.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The angel Gabriel's response when asked if he'll feel any remorse at ending the world:

"I will feel less remorse
at exterminating
these murderous vermin
than I would feel at
worming a dog."

Angel of Light

Pity the human being who's put in a cage with a sex-obsessed monkey

There is No Way Out

There is no way out, we are all caged monkeys
blue-arsed with the money-bruise
and wearing our seats out sitting on money.

There is no way out, the cage has no door, it's rusted solid.

If you copulate with the finest woman on earth
there's no relief, only a moment's sullen respite.

You're a caged monkey again in five minutes.
Therefore be prepared to tackle the cage.

D.H. Lawrence

I'd like to hear from that "finest woman on earth" who has to copulate with monkeys! I suppose she's forced to copulate with "multicultural" monkeys!

Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence


The nemesis that awaits our civilisation
is social insanity
which in the end is always homicidal.
Sanity means the wholeness of the consciousness.
And our society is only part conscious, like an idiot.

If we do not rapidly open all the doors of consciousness
and freshen the putrid little space in which we are cribbed
the sky-blue walls of our unventilated heaven
will be bright red with blood.

D.H. Lawrence

Let's hope he's right.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Willy: "There's Rosie! She's waiting for you!" (Gus jumps overboard)**

You don't let the motherf*ckers who sank the ship into the lifeboat!

**(Quote from "Lifeboat," directed by Alfred Hitchcock)

A Rising Tide LIfts All Boats (unless they would rather stay in a cesspool)

" It is the moon that turns the tides.
The beaches can do nothing about it."
--D.H. Lawrence, from the poem, "After All the Tragedies Are Over."

Friday, May 26, 2006

Lying Causes Clinical Depression

An article on msn.com today said that depression is increasing in the United States. They talked about how a lot of it's chemical, but I have a different explanation for why depression is endemic in Amerika: Americans are having multiculturalism forced on them by the government and the media. It has become impossible for Caucasians, and perhaps for non-Caucasians, to express their preference for the company, in their private lives, of people of their own race or ethnic group. To do so risks being labeled a "racist" or a "hater," with the possibility (probability?) of being the victim of violence and economic persecution (I am jobless). Where does depression come in? When people are forced to lie about and suppress anger and frustration at their circumstances, the energy that is earmarked by our brains to change those circumstances is also suppressed, and it is my belief that suppressing that energy can be accomplished only by suppressing all of our energy, making all actions that are not aimed at eliminating the threat to our survival seem irrelevant, and not worth getting out of bed for. We'll all be catatonic if we don't get to tell the truth, and get angry, soon.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Darwin Circumvented

Women with "personal power" who do not choose, as their companions, males who serve the System are intentionally beaten down, using unemployment, homelessness, and ill health, until they are forced, if they want to survive, to accept an inferior male, or even a female, in an intimate relationship. The System is also force-feeding us multiculturalism, using the media and the public school system to make it unacceptable to admit a preference for the company of our own race or ethnic group.

Hogwarts does Affirmative Action

Do you think it's possible that the Harry Potter series has been written primarily to implant the idea, in the public consciousness, that it's the responsibility of good people to make sure that bad people have the same "advantages" that good people have? Why else would Hogwarts, a school that teaches magic to young witches and wizards, admit, as students, children who have already been recognized, by the "sorting hat," as evil? I suppose when the time comes for good to battle evil, if evil runs out of ammunition, good will be expected to "share" theirs! But of course that is what we're being told these days, and it's bullsh*t.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Links I like

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

And you thought $5 a pack was high...

When the state of California banned tobacco in its prisons several years ago, they didn't really ban tobacco, they just raised the price. I talked to a former resident of a California prison a while ago, and he told me that the pouch of cigarette tobacco that sells for $2 in most retail outlets costs $50 in prison. And on top of that, you have to worry about getting caught smoking it! Unless part of the price of the tobacco includes protection from being caught smoking?

Prognosis Negative

Revelation: The Los Angeles Translation

I won't come back to save your lives,
but I will to watch you die,



Wild Things in Captivity

Wild things in captivity
while they keep their own wild purity
won't breed, they mope, they die.

All men are in captivity,
active with captive activity,
and the best won't breed, though they don't know why.

The great cage of our domesticity
kills sex in a man, the simplicity
of desire is distorted and twisted awry.

And so with bitter perversity
gritting against the great adversity,
the young ones copulate, hate it, and want to cry.

--D.H. Lawrence

There's one more verse, but it was written to please the monkeys, so I've left it out.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Prophecy? Hell, no! More like a diagnosis and prognosis!

It was brought to my attention a few weeks ago that Jesus was the source of The Book of Revelation, and that St. John was his "Boswell." That was when I realized that Revelation isn't a prophecy, it's Jesus' evaluation of what would have to happen on Earth before He'd consent to come back. Armageddon! But for us to be waiting around for seven angels and four guys on horses to get these sh*theads off our backs is doing exactly what the System wants us to do, which is to do nothing. How much sense does it make for people who are being enslaved, tortured, raped, and murdered to fear talking about what is happening to them because the brutes who are doing it threaten to "punish" them? When monsters are permitted, by our silence, to continue behaving like monsters, they will feel safe in committing any outrage that they can dream up, regardless of whether we are "good" or "bad." (to be continued)

Friday, May 19, 2006

What If... (continued)

What happened after the human species discovered that they had an existence outside of the group was that the group mind that had been the only way of thinking up to that time became obsolete, because motivation was no longer determined by the group, but was now being determined by the individual. Unfortunately, the telepathic link survived the birth of individual thought, and was soon being used by some humans to control, by threats and actual interference with the nerves that govern motor response, humans whose ability to transmit bioelectrical energy via eye contact made them a valuable commodity, which is how they were and still are being treated.

Homelessness is part of Amerika's plan to make interracial marriage compulsory

When someone wants to force people to include among their intimate acquaintances people from ethnic groups other than their own, and written law does not permit such interference with our rights, it can still be accomplished by contriving to keep those people who will not comply with these implied racial quotas unemployed. When lack of income forces these people onto the streets, dependent on social and charitable agencies run by the same system that is demanding interracial coupling, they are placed in shelters and/or "programs" whose main purpose is to show the noncompliant the "advantages" of compliance. This is terrorism, practiced on American citizens by a government whose end goal is to enslave all humans.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

What if...

What if all humans retain a telepathic link from a time in their evolutionary history when they had no awareness of their existence as individuals; that is, they were aware of themselves only as part of a group, tribe, whatever you want to call it. At some point, someone noticed that when one of the group died, the others didn't, and soon everyone knew that humans could exist singly. More tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The nemesis that awaits our civilization
is social insanity
which in the end is always homicidal.
Sanity means the wholeness of the consciousness.
And our society is only part conscious, like an idiot.

If we do not rapidly open all the doors of consciousness
and freshen the putrid little space in which we are cribbed
the sky-blue walls of our underventilated heaven
will be bright red with blood.

--D.H. Lawrence

Problem is, whenever anyone comes along who might possibly be able to open those doors, the parasites who view everything in terms of rich-and-famous latch on and drag us back into their personal cesspool.

Wild Things in Captivity

Wild things in captivity
while they keep their own wild purity
won't breed, they mope, they die.

All men are in captivity,
active with captive activity,
and the best won't breed, though they don't know why.

The great cage of our domesticity
kills sex in a man, the simplicity
of desire is distorted and twisted awry.

And so with bitter perversity
gritting against the great adversity,
the young ones copulate, hate it, and want to cry.

Sex is a state of grace.
In a cage it can't take place.
Break the cage, then, start in and try.

--D.H. Lawrence

I suppose that since Mr. Lawrence knew that his jailers were obsessed with sex, they might be enticed into freeing him by the promise that sex would be sensational if Mr. Lawrence and the others of his kind were set free. Sex is not the best thing about freedom, or grace.


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3 7 9 4 9 7 10

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


What has killed mankind--
for the bulk of mankind is dead
--is lies.
the nasty lying pretence of
seeming to feel what we don't
--D.H. Lawrence

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Behind Enemy Lines

Soon-tek Oh: Red Sun Rising/A Home of Our Own/Deadly Game/The Road Not Taken/Yesterday's Child/The A Team/Blood Sport/The Point of No Return/Night of the Deadly Blossom/Soursweet/Memories Are Forever.

From a list of books by Jeffrey Deaver: The Lesson of Her Death/Hard News/Hell's Kitchen/Bloody River Blues/The Vanished Man/Speaking in Tongues/A Maiden's Grave/Garden of Beasts/Twisted: Collected Stories/Garden of Beasts/Praying for Sleep.

From a list of books by Martha Grimes, in her latest Richard Jury mystery, The Old Wine Shades: The Dirty Duck/The Deer Leap/The Old Contemptibles/The Case Has Altered/The Horse You Came In On/Rainbow's End/The Winds of Change/The Old Fox Deceived/The Grave Maurice/A Train Now Departing/The End of the Pier.

All About Eve

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night." (Translation: "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night."